Talk Nerdy To Me...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Its my first post in a while... so I guess I should write a little about me to bring ya up to date... Although, it's kind of foolish to assume that you're reading my blog without already knowing who I am... My name is Ashley. I work in a well known bank and go to a private Catholic university. I'm studying business. Started off in accounting, went to economics, thought about going back to accounting, then considered management. Pretty typical, I guess, but it drives me crazy. I have a very organized personality, almost to the point of it driving me to insanity. I moved back in with my grandparents after living with my boyfriend, Luke, who moved to Georgia a couple months ago for a job. He and I have talked about me moving back in with him down south. I have a school and a lifestyle all set up, just have to wait and see. Some people say that I should wait to move until I graduate college, which I think its totally insane, seen as how I have about a year and a half left. I believe that we are both adults, and intelligent ones at that. There's no way I will sacrifice my degree, anyone who knows me should know that. The plan now is to go down in May. I'd like to say it's more than a plan, but I need to keep on the same page as he is. If it ends up happening, then I will either finish up school at Georgia Southern University, or the University of South Carolina. I'm actually pretty excited about the schools. In fact, I'm excited about the whole thing, and probably more than I lead on. My family is very large, but I've sort of grown apart from them. I guess that just goes with getting older and doing my own thing. I have a number of younger siblings, some I'm closer to than others. My parents are divorced, but now are dating. I just started going to the gym again, I'd like to lose somewhere around 20lbs. Who knows if it will happen, but if it does then I'll be "thin". I'm just hoping to look and feel better, just like anyone else. After college graduation I'm just focusing on getting a job that makes a decent amount of money. I honestly don't have any passions, and I admire those people that do. So, I guess that's a solid "about me"post. For now, I'm just trying to make it through each day of work, saving as much money as I can for the future. Getting through school so that I can land a job that would make life a little easier. Maintaining my relationship, and reminding my boyfriend that I'm proud of him, but also miss him badly. Overall, I look forward to the future.


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