Lots of first tomorrow. First time I'm working the opening shift at the bank as opposed to closing everyday. The first day at Benedictine University after transferring from Waubonsee College. Lastly, the first day of my bartender training for my newest job.
I only have another week at my current bank branch, next week we all go into the new branch and start getting all of our stuff ready. I guess its exciting to be going to a brand new building, but then again its stressful. I hope everything works out there, I think it might be good for me when I get out of school.
First two new classes at Benedictine tomorrow (and Wednesday), then the last two new classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I guess I'm going to have to learn to study again. I haven't really studied since high school. Like I said above, I have four classes; Converging Hemispheres, Management, Marketing, and Economics. I'm not sure what to expect...
I got a job about a month ago out at a steakhouse/bar by my boyfriend's house. He and I were driving by the building (that was under construction) one afternoon when I casually mentioned that I should apply there. He made a quick right into the parking lot, and I applied. I got the job as a barback a week later. I was just actually made a bartender, which I think will be great experience for me that I might be able to take elsewhere and make some good side money. It's kind of cool that this is a prototype restaurant, and if it does well there will be several more built over the country.
This next week should be interesting.