Talk Nerdy To Me...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just an update on the bartending school thing... I got a call today saying that me not showing up for my appointment was unprofessional. Are you kidding me? So, I let them know that I did in fact show up, however I left because I was less than pleased with the experience. I kept the story short and simply said that the sales guy started off hitting on me, and went to saying that he never liked me anyway (after realizing that I wasn't buying his shit). I just let the nice lady know that I thought it was in poor taste, so I left. After a long pause, she asked me to come back. Mmm, no. See, I wasn't aware that you had to be a drunk in order to attend this school. Thank god the sales guy didn't like me. I feel like I have to explain a little here, I wasn't doing this for my love of alcohol... I was doing this for my love of money.

Speaking of, I love drunks. My boyfriend and I go out a lot, and the way alcohol effects different people is a mystery to me. It's fun to watch complete strangers and wonder what they're really like. Kind of makes me wonder why some people get weird, some people get happy, some people get mean. In fact, I'm convinced it actually makes some people smarter, or gives people a chance to get their name in the paper... I work part-time as a breath alcohol tech (the bartending school didn't seem to like that much). People do some interesting things to get out of tests. Had a guy drink a whole bottle of that travel sized mouth wash in order to avoid accurate results. Hell, I think if you're smart enough to think to do something like that while totally loaded, you're a step ahead of most sober people. Eating your underwear though... could you imagine after finally getting out of jail, seeing your face in the paper... for this? Sadly, this is more than likely this guys 15 minutes of fame. Don't get me wrong... I'm sure I've done or said some stupid things while drinking, but still.

I hate winter, and I hate cold weather. But, so does everyone right? The cold wouldn't be so bad, its the snow thats the worst. My car is like a coffin on wheels in the snow. Going out to school is hell, nothing but country roads. In other words, unplowed, unsalted death trails. Say I'm lucky enough to get to school, ok? I have four classes I have to go to. Of course I go from the far north end of campus to the far south, then back and forth again. On top of that: schools cheap, and doesn't like to heat very many of the buildings. It's all starting again, but I'm ready this year. Bring it on Jack Frost...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

So, I think I'm going to dance with my dad to Because Of You by Kelly Clarkson, if and when I get married... I don't hate him, and believe it or not, I'm not bitter. It's just shock, I think.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Saw Phil Peoples at a bar last night. It's funny when you look back a few years and realize how different things are. This guy was the epitome of hot when I was in high school. Cool older guy, sings in a band, and has his tongue double pierced. My friend and I actually worked with him all through high school too. He was the guy who would flirt with us freshman girls, then would turn around and hit on our mothers. A ladies man, I guess you could say. Seeing him last night though was funny. I'm sitting at the bar with my boyfriend and finally realize how big of a loser this guy is. He's still in that band, still hits on all the girls, and still isn't grounded. Sure, he's a nice guy... it's just funny how things turn out, I guess. Oh, and I grew up to be taller than him too. God, I can't wait till the high school reunion.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I am such a horrible, horrible friend. So, there's this guy in one of my classes who I've been trying to set up with my friend Stephanie. (Why that was decided is a whole other story.) Anyway, I thought ok... this guy's nice, seems like her type, has half a brain so why not? So I figure I should do my homework before I introduce another asshole into my friends life. I did, and he seemed passable. To make an extremely long story short, this guy is fucking insane! He calls me about 15 times a day, to check is progress. My God, what have I done? Maybe the gothic prince wasn't so bad. I think I'm going to go remind myself of how lucky I am...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Fell down the stairs today; my back, ankle, and wrist kill. But wait, it gets better. That happened after I got home from working out. Rode the bike for a little bit, tripped while getting off of that. Also did weights today, and went to failure with almost everything. That alone was going to make me hurt, I just had to wait. So, after going down the stairs backwards on my back, I realized that I was going to be in more pain than I had originally thought. So, I figure it would be best if I take a bath, and maybe reduce some of the soreness. Bath went well, but as I'm going to get out the shower rod falls off the wall and hits me in the face. Of course, that knocks me back into the water, hitting my head on the soap dish cemented to the wall on the way back in. I should have just laid there and drown, but no... I got up. Who knows what will happen next...

Saturday, November 05, 2005

I just was clearing out all the voicemails I had saved on my phone. I noticed that it really bothers me when people call and go: "hey, it's me..." Well, no shit it's you. But, who the hell are you? Unless you're my best friend, mother, or boyfriend... Don't expect me to know who "me" is. I had 13 messages saved over the course of a couple months. 10 of those messages started out with "hey, it's just me." Then they talk about something vague, so there's still no indication as to who they are. Argh. Ehh, I don't know. Maybe it's just me...?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I intended to sit down and write a long post. A post about everything that's going on with my life, and the things concerning the people I care about. After thinking for a little while, I realized I'll just quote my friend Dan here: "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans."