Talk Nerdy To Me...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ok… I’m fed up, and need to vent somewhere! There’s a doctor here at work, who’s from Africa. Now, she’s very smart and very nice… but is absolutely disgusting.

I have to leave the office when she takes her lunch break, I swear to you she eats dog. Dog, and God knows what else. It is the worst smelling food, ever.

She had a baby not too long ago, which is nice. But she brings her “pumping materials” to work everyday. She goes into the conference room and goes to town. You just don’t do that, that’s gross. It smells, and worst of all, she leaves that stuff all around the office. I was in the lunch room one time getting some coffee and she was washing the machine in the sink next to people’s food. Then, put all the product in the refrigerator next to the regular milk.

I don’t know… there are some things you just don’t do at work…


At 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha!! You just brought back such great memories for me! In my pre-motherhood days, I used to work in a big office building. We had a "pumping room", but there was no "pumping sink" or "pumping 'fridge" in said room. So, you can guess what always happened........... Some ladies were nice enough to buy a mini-fridge for their office, but not everyone. I know it's supposed to be "natural" and all, but jeez!! Only for YOUR baby. I always swore that I wouldn't do that when I became a mom. Guess what, I never did!! :-)

At 8:21 AM , Blogger Ashley said...

Mmm, yeah. I think it's pretty safe to say I won't be doing that either. Especially since I've been exposed to this, like you, pre-motherhood.

I really do think this is worse than breast feeding in public. At least nothing's being sorted next to your open coke in the frige in those cases.

At 4:39 PM , Blogger John Mc. said...

That is gross. No boundries. Take pictures.


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