Just an update on the bartending school thing... I got a call today saying that me not showing up for my appointment was unprofessional. Are you kidding me? So, I let them know that I did in fact show up, however I left because I was less than pleased with the experience. I kept the story short and simply said that the sales guy started off hitting on me, and went to saying that he never liked me anyway (after realizing that I wasn't buying his shit). I just let the nice lady know that I thought it was in poor taste, so I left. After a long pause, she asked me to come back. Mmm, no. See, I wasn't aware that you had to be a drunk in order to attend this school. Thank god the sales guy didn't like me. I feel like I have to explain a little here, I wasn't doing this for my love of alcohol... I was doing this for my love of money.
Speaking of, I love drunks. My boyfriend and I go out a lot, and the way alcohol effects different people is a mystery to me. It's fun to watch complete strangers and wonder what they're really like. Kind of makes me wonder why some people get weird, some people get happy, some people get mean. In fact, I'm convinced it actually makes some people smarter, or gives people a chance to get their name in the paper... I work part-time as a breath alcohol tech (the bartending school didn't seem to like that much). People do some interesting things to get out of tests. Had a guy drink a whole bottle of that travel sized mouth wash in order to avoid accurate results. Hell, I think if you're smart enough to think to do something like that while totally loaded, you're a step ahead of most sober people. Eating your underwear though... could you imagine after finally getting out of jail, seeing your face in the paper... for this? Sadly, this is more than likely this guys 15 minutes of fame. Don't get me wrong... I'm sure I've done or said some stupid things while drinking, but still.