Looks like I don't have a school to go to in the fall. I've been telling my advisor since August (when I got accepted) that I'll need to register as early as possible since I work full time, and am commuting. He said that'd be no problem, so I kept in good communication with him, emailing him a couple times a month since August.
I ran into one of my friends from high school, she told me she decided to go to this school too. She got accepted in January of this year... I talked to her today and she's already registered and told me that a lot of the classes are already full. What?! What an unprofessional, unorganized, school. If I couldn't get in to register early, then don't tell me I would be able to. Don't tell me you admire the fact that I work full time, and that you're going to help accommodate me if you have no intention to.
So, what do I do now?
FU, BU!!
That's pretty shitty. I hope that it all works out for you somehow. Is there someone, besides your advisor, that you could talk to about this? I would hope that someone would be able to help you since you did your part.
I guess this is why they tell you to apply to and stay in touch with more than one school. I thought that was just because you may not get into the one you want. Silly me.
Yeah, I did my part... and as soon as I wrote them a check, I stopped getting emailed and called back.
College is bs, it really is. You learn on the job. But, as someone once told me "you don't mean shit with a degree, but you mean even less without one."
This is a small school, and they can't even get their business together. This isn't Boston University (should have gone there).
Can you see how this might worry me? I'm not even enrolled and they are already making mistakes? What happens when I petition to graduate?
Thanks for the support, anonymous. But, for all I know, you could be my advisor. Which again, is bs.
Michigan State.
Don't worry, I'm not your advisor. Promise! And yeah, college is a necessary evil. It sucks, but ya gotta do it. I had an incident where I could not get a class that I desperately NEEDED to take (and yes, it was thanks to my advisor that I missed it! Advisors suck.), and it was one of those that was only available at a certain time of school year, on a certain day of the week , etc. Limited availability. Long story short, I found out that at my college you were able to petition the prof (if you met certain "eligiblity requirements"), and if you were really really lucky (and 900 other people didn't petition) they might let you in after the class was closed. It is going on 10 years (Yikes!) since I was in college, and I am sure that not all colleges do this, but maybe it is an option at your college. Just don't give up hope. You sound like way too intelligent of a young lady to have to sit on the college sidelines (or waste your $$ by taking blow off classes) for a semester. Hang in there.........
Well thank you Mr. Anonymous. Glad you made it through. I won't sit out a semester. If worst comes to worst I'll pick up a minor, and work on that this semester. I guess I'm just frustrated that a school with less than 2,000 people enrolled can't keep things running smoothly. But, when i called a much bigger school, they were all over trying to get me in. Thanks for the comments.
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