Talk Nerdy To Me...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I registered today at that school I was bashing. Rightfully bashing, but still bashing.

My new advisor was super nice, which I'm sure the school made sure that he would be. I got into all my classes that I need. He pointed out that I actually have too many classes... I guess I'm closer to being done than I thought. So, I'm going to pick up a minor, maybe in psychology. Or maybe math since I'm taking a ton of it already. You need at least 55 credit hours to graduate from a school, and I don't have that many credits left to take to get my degree. So, I guess I'm happy about that.

I don't fit in too well there though. A lot of Indian people go there, and people who look like they're fresh out of the movie Revenge Of The Nerds. But that's ok, no one will bother me. (I swear I walked up the stairs with a guy who looked exactly like the guy on the right.)

Everything's going really well. I can't really complain about much else but this sore throat.

Friday, April 21, 2006

You Passed 8th Grade Science
Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!

I thought this was kind of cool. Most adults can't answer the questions above. My little sister is in 3rd grade, and the homework she brings home is ridiculous. Now either she's a science nerd like me, or she's lucky. I had her take this, just for the heck of it and she got half of them right. The kid doesn't know her times tables, but she knows the basics of kinetic energy and the structure of a cell. She knows more Spanish than I do too. Yet, her teacher sends notes home that shes behind. Behind in what?? Her friend down the street is in her class too. That kid is one of the smartest in the class. I've actually seen this little girl do algebra. It's scary. At this rate, what's going to happen with I have kids? I'll need a tutor just to help them with their homework.

How many did you get right?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Put up because of the people in the office. They think I look like race car driver Danica Patrick. Haha, I wish.

Ok, how incredibly cool WOULD this be?

A month long overseas international business seminar. Participants travel to:

Rome and Florence, Italy
Innsbruck, Austria
Munich, Germany
Lausanne, Switzerland
Paris, France
London, United Kingdom

The overall purpose of this seminar is to provide participants an opportunity to be exposed to the international business environment and practices outside the United States. In addition, this seminar provides participants an opportunity to develop insight into the cultural, social, and political environments of each country to be visited. Participation in an International Business Seminar is a unique way for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in international business, or a related field, to acquire a firsthand view of international business practices, and experience the excitement of traveling outside the United States.

Participants also visit numerous points of interest as far as business is concerned in each location. It's costs quite a bit... but then again it is for a month.

I really haven't been this excited in a long time. How big of a dork am I?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Looks like I don't have a school to go to in the fall. I've been telling my advisor since August (when I got accepted) that I'll need to register as early as possible since I work full time, and am commuting. He said that'd be no problem, so I kept in good communication with him, emailing him a couple times a month since August.

I ran into one of my friends from high school, she told me she decided to go to this school too. She got accepted in January of this year... I talked to her today and she's already registered and told me that a lot of the classes are already full. What?! What an unprofessional, unorganized, school. If I couldn't get in to register early, then don't tell me I would be able to. Don't tell me you admire the fact that I work full time, and that you're going to help accommodate me if you have no intention to.

So, what do I do now?

FU, BU!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

I was watching Couples Fear Factor while I was at the gym yesterday. I kept thinking about different couples in my family, and it just kind of made me realize how different everyone's is. Like my cousin Billy and his girlfriend Michelle... if Michelle was hesitant to jump into a tub full of cow's blood and snakes, Billy would push her in and laugh. My cousin Jason and his girlfriend Jen, on the other hand... If Jen was hesitant to jump into a tub full of cow's blood and snakes, Jason would take her hands and probably start to cry because he put her in that position in the first place. Actually, I don't think Jen would have a problem with jumping in, Jason would.

I sold those Cubs tickets I had. I wanted to go, but getting people to take a Friday off was tough, and it would probably rain anyway. At least that's what I'm telling myself. I can't complain though, I did ok on the turn around.

I went to this "Co-ed Soccer League" meeting where you meet people and pick teams and whatnot. Yeah, co-ed my ass. I walk through the door and there's a sea of guys saying "YOU can be on OUR team!" Hey, great... I forgot something in my car. I was looking forward to that, kind of a let down. Oh well.

Weekend's almost here, have a good one.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ok… I’m fed up, and need to vent somewhere! There’s a doctor here at work, who’s from Africa. Now, she’s very smart and very nice… but is absolutely disgusting.

I have to leave the office when she takes her lunch break, I swear to you she eats dog. Dog, and God knows what else. It is the worst smelling food, ever.

She had a baby not too long ago, which is nice. But she brings her “pumping materials” to work everyday. She goes into the conference room and goes to town. You just don’t do that, that’s gross. It smells, and worst of all, she leaves that stuff all around the office. I was in the lunch room one time getting some coffee and she was washing the machine in the sink next to people’s food. Then, put all the product in the refrigerator next to the regular milk.

I don’t know… there are some things you just don’t do at work…

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I hate when classes get cancelled. I actually showed up at my math class at 8 this morning... and he held class for 5 minutes, due to his golf outting later this morning. My next class doesn't start until 9:45, and there's a note on the door that the teacher won't be in, but we can use the day as a lab day. Lab day? This is a computer class on how to work the Internet, and how to use MSO... we don't need a lab day. My next class doesn't start until 12:15, my "art of listening" class. It's horrible. We listen to classical music for an hour, and talk about how it's all different. That's fine for a class, or two, but we do it every time. Most people fall asleep, or end up walking out because of the teachers crude sexual jokes. So, I sit and wait for 12:15 to roll around. Argh.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Case of the Mondays...

It's Monday again... but I guess I can't complain, I had a good extended weekend. I took a half day Friday. Cubs won, went down to Chicago, watched a bunch of movies, spent the better part of the weekend with Luke. I played cards and hung out with my parents a little bit on Friday night. Man, was that weird. They're divorced. But, he brings over flowers, and she rubs his back all night. That would be ok, I guess... except for the fact that they never did those kinds of things when they were married (for 13 years). It should be interesting to see them in 5 or 10 years. Heck, it should be interesting to see me in 5 or 10 years. Like I said though, it was a good weekend. Hopefully this week will go by fast. I have a huge meeting on Wednesday, once that's done, I'm in the clear. Oh yeah, I lost another 5lbs too. Have a good day...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Home Opener!

You know what I'll be doing today...

Fri., April 7 @ 1:20 p.m. CT TV: WGN Radio: WGN 720

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fire Doug, hire Matt and Joe... or "the Bobs" (you've seen Office Space.) I applied for this marketing position within my company. Joe, HR director, pulled me in his office after hours and told me I'd be great, but... we need someone with a degree. Fine. I get an email today about Sara, our new marketing rep. It says that she has extensive experience in marketing. Really? Extensive? Isn't she in her early 20's? And she has a degree! "Sara holds a degree in Business Administration." No, she doesn't. What she holds is a online, 30 credit hour, associates degree in computer design. I know how to use google, assholes.

Why didn't they consider the two people who applied within? Because it's harder to train someone for our positions than it is this one. So much for growth within the company.

Oh, and I just wrote this blog on company time. Woops.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I've been looking at art on today. Yeah, I'd much rather go to the Art Institute but its almost 11 on Monday night. I was wanted to put my two favorite paintings up. The first is one by Edward Hopper,called Nighthawks. It just seems like there's some great story behind this painting, even though its so simple. I saw an episode of That 70's Show where they incorporated this picture into the last shot. I thought that was pretty interesting. My other favorite is Rainy Day In Paris, by Gustave Caillebotte. Caillebotte is my favorite artist. I studied French for 6 years, and during that time studied French art. You can click on the pictures for more information about each painting. Both of these are actually in Chicago. I got to see Rainy Day the only time I went to the Institute freshman year. It's huge. Wish I could go back. About three years ago I drew Rainy Day to scale on my bedroom wall. I started to paint it, then realized how much money I was going to be spending in paint. I have pictures somewhere, I should dig those out. How about you, any favorites?